Hardcore Parker

Lets go back to this summer…..

Standing atop Pyramid Peak

It was early August and after a wet early summer we finally had some serious heat and a lack of rain for a few weeks. I had just bought a specialty photography 50L overnight backpack that set me back a few hundred dollars. Might as well try it out!

As I scoured the All Trails app, the book “Trails of the wild Selkrik’s” and Google Maps I came across a long ridgline hike I thought I’d try my hand at. It’s located deep in the heart of the north part of the Idaho Selkirk’s. There are grizzly bear in this country and no water along the main ridge that goes for 20 odd miles gently losing and gaining elevation until you head down from Parker Peak. I decided to drop my car off at the start of the Parker Ridge trailhead and have my friend drop me off at the Trout Lake Trail. I would be doing a solo through hike of the area.

Getting a late start I climb with almost a full moon to my back up towards Pyramid Pass

Well I got a late start Friday evening and by the time I was hiking up the trail it was dusk. I’m no stranger to night hiking though and with almost a full moon I climbed up to the top of Pyramid Pass before finding a small spot near a large rock to camp for the night.

Looking at Pyramid Peak (what I had climbed a few hours earlier) from near the top of Parker Pass

Once I finally got up the next morning I made breakfast and did the off trail scramble to the top of Pyramid Peak from the pass. Even though I left a lot out of my pack it was still a bit sketchy in spots with a bigger pack scrambling up and down the mountain. I was glad I had just bought a Garmin Inreach satellite communication device in case something happened. I hadn’t seen a soul since starting the hike the evening before. I must say though the views from this peak are incredible! Some of the best i’ve seen in the Selkirk’s.

View atop Pyramid Peak

After breaking camp I began close to a mile long decent before then hard climbing for a couple miles to attain Parker Ridge. This would be the ridge that would eventually take me to my car.

I met a very elderly gentleman as I had stopped to take in some amazing wildflowers along the trail and he had caught up to me. Turns out he belonged to a group called “Boundary County Hikers” and let me tell you I found they are hardcore! This guy must have been 80 years old and he was out hiking me up the steep trail. He said he was going off trail to hike the unnamed peak to our right so that he could guide a group up there. Needless to say I was impressed. We parted ways atop the pass me going left and him going right, towards the peak.

Bumble Bee and Wildflowers along the trail before attaining the pass

As I was leaning over taking pictures of this butterfly I caught movement out of my eye and seen the old man was walking up the trail behind me

The view right when you attain Parker Pass. These boulders were massive

Getting up to the pass with a good 70 pounds on my back hadn't been fun but once I made it up everything was better. I walked along the ridgetop admiring views from all around and let the summer air fill my lungs. It was a perfect day! Soon I came to the Long Lake turnoff and I took that the mile or so down to the lake for lunch, to replenish my water, (I had not had a water source since yesterday evening), and rest my feet. The lake was much more beautiful than I had imagined it to be!

I met a father and son down there who were trying their luck with fly fishing. As we chatted for a few the dad mentioned his son (a young man probably 20 or so), had been getting eaten alive. They had not brought bug spray. I didn't have a whole lot but it was deet 100 so they didn’t need much. I gave them a few sprays to hold the insects off for the evening and then made my way back up to the pass.

Hiking down to Long Lake with an unnamed almost 7,500 foot peak in the distance

The amazing water of Long Lake

As I meandered along the pass I was in pure bliss stopping every few minutes to take pictures while my bluetooth player belted all sorts of songs from outlaw country, rock, to hip hop. I’m telling you the feeling I had up on that ridge in that short hour or two was better than taking the hottest babe in your school to prom. Okay at least the best looking girl from the town I came from, but I definitely digress there. Soon I came to this spot overlooking the far north and just had to stop and set the tripod up and throw the big 200-600mm lens on. With the naked eye I couldn’t pull details from the ridges that stretched on and on into Canada but with that lens it was another story…..

One of the views to my left before I stopped to set the tripod up

Looking into Canada shot on my 600mm lens

Again looking into Canada shot at 600mm. I call this one “Natures Geometry”.

Do you see the lookout tower?

After taking in the scene in front of me I continued on still enjoying the hike but knowing sunset was coming. I was still much farther from Parker Lake than I wanted to admit and looking at the unnamed mountain looming in front of me I realized I needed to make up time. I climbed about a mile before going off trail and climbing to the top of the unnamed giant. I wanted to hit every peak on that ridge!

It was dusk by the time I made it, wheezing the last stretch. I hadn’t taken the pack off for the ascent. I then hiked the quarter mile down the ridge to the camp site I found right after I went off trail. It was a blessing to have found a small patch of snow near my camp. I was to use it to melt into water beings I wasn’t making it to the lake anymore. That patch of snow and one just below it were the only places I found snow on the entire backpacking trip. A few days later and it would have been melted.

Idaho Moon on the way up the ridge at sunset before going off trail

Drone shot from on top of the unnamed peak. Do you see me bottom left of image?

I believe I was looking into Creston B.C. from the unnamed peak shot at 200mm

Milky Way from my campsite. The yellow on the tree is the light from my campfire

My camp was in a nice little flat area mostly surrounded by large rock so I was pretty protected from the wind. The snow patch was about a 50 yard walk away and I made a few trips making a lot of water for the long day ahead. The only issue is the water tasted of charcoal for some reason. Might have had to do with the snow I was using. Either way it was the only source of water I had at all so I could not be picky. I ate dinner, melted a lot of snow, wrote in my journal, and slept like a baby. Looking back I am glad I slept well even if it wasn’t that long.

The next morning I woke up early, melted even more snow, made coffee with honey my friend had given me, made breakfast and did devotions overlooking the high peaks across the valley from me. It was a perfect day and a ground squirrel decided to grace me with his presence for a bit. As I packed I knew it was going to be a very hot day without a lot of shade so I even filled my cooking tin full of snow and double bagged some snow to go. I filled a handkerchief with snow and put it around my neck, a trick my late grandma had taught me. Then I was off down the trail. It was already 10:30am and I had what I thought was 13 miles to go.

Ground squirrel at my camp

My view for devotions

Looking at Chimney Rock and mount Roothaan shot at around 500mm from camp

The swamp about 1000 feet straight below my camp. Look at the maze features on the bottom left of image

I hiked quickly and even had enough service to call my dad and grandpa for a couple minutes at one point. Then the trail dropped and climbed again. It took me past the turn off to Parker Lake and then at its highest I could go left on the trail that would take me up to the top of Parker Peak. This is the second highest point in the Idaho Selkirk’s and the highest named point. I decided to do it. After all I wanted to hit every high point remember? I set my heavy pack down after the first half mile and finished the climb with my camera and drone in hand. Parker Peak sits almost 6,000 feet above the Kootenai Valley! From on top though it doesn’t seem that far to get down but let me tell you in this case looks are most definitely deceiving. I flew my drone for a bit, wrote in the peak registry, and then made my way back down to my pack before eating lunch and rehydrating in the shade. I thought the hard part of the day was over but something in the back of my mind was telling me to be prepared to not stop even when it got harder.

Looking down on Parker Lake from Parker ridge

You can see the top of Parker Peak is about two miles away here

Looking into the Kootenai Valley and Creston B.C. from the top of Parker Peak

With arms wide open, under the hot sun. Drone self portrait from the top of Parker. Can you see me on the peak?

Drone footage from atop Parker Peak

Once I got back on the main trail heading down the long ridge I had about 9 miles to go according to my calculations. Let me tell you I had all 9 and more. After about a mile you come to the side of Parker Peak but about 1000 feet below the top and there are sweeping views of the large granite cliffs along the side of the peak. At this spot I ran into a through hiker heading the way I had came who was doing the PNT. He said I had about 8 miles to go still according to his watch. I only had about 3 hours of daylight left which should have been enough I thought. This would be the last person I would see on the trip.

At one point the trail decided to climb again for about half a mile. I was so exhausted from the days hike so far and the 70 pound load on my back I couldn’t even make it the half mile before plopping on the ground with a near heave. I was worn out. But I got back up and kept going. At this point my feet had developed minor heat blisters. Those boots were not the best for that kind of distance. Soon I entered a massive old burn and followed the mostly flat but slightly downhill trail mile after mile.

Part of the granite wall you encounter on your way around the peak

Looking down at Kootenai Valley

Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane

Don’t know when i’ll be back again

I just had to walk a little off trail to take a picture of this oddly shaped burnt bark

Soon every step started to become painful and despite walking at a decent pace I wasn’t making the fastest time as I just had to stop a few times to take photographs. This is a dilemma I seem to face constantly as a photographer. I never want to pass up a photo opportunity!

Anyhow although the hike through the burnt forest was beautiful in its own right it seemed like it took forever and just before the trail started into its relentless switchbacks going down the sun had set. Well according to my calculations I only had three more miles to go so hiking that far in the dark shouldn’t have been that hard. I passed the only tiny trickle of a water source on the entire trail and was in such a hurry I didn’t stop to fill up. This was a major mistake as about an hour after that I was completely out of water and I thought I was a mile and a half closer to the car than I was. The night was sweltering on that dry ridgline and a warm wind was blowing up from the valley below further dehydrating my already parched tongue. Mosquitoes wouldn’t stop biting my arms and shoulders even as I would spray myself with deet my sweat would soak over it. I still had 3,000 vertical feet to drop after the watering hole.

The trail switched back and forth back and forth and my toes and heels shot with pain every step. I’m telling you this trail just didn’t let up!

Last rays of the day on the mountain behind me

Moon and last sun hitting the ridge across from me

Kootenai River Below

A little more zoomed in

Look at all the downed trees from the fire. I still had almost five miles to go from this spot.

Well I found out a bit further down when my calculations told me I was supposed to be at the car I had been wrong. I believe the through hiker was off as well and I had not calculated the extra two to three miles it took me to do Parker Peak. I am not lying when I say at this point every step was almost agony and as the sweat made my back soaked I wished for water. It ended up being almost two more miles before I broke out onto the road and seen my car. I had stashed a water under my seat full well knowing I had a high chance of being out and dehydrated by the time I would get there. It was after midnight at this point as I finally made the hour long drive home stopping on the way at Super 1 in Bonners Ferry and buying a large amount of food and drinks. Thank God for 24 hour grocery stores!

Yep I was a tired boy

I have hiked and ran further than this day on a few occasions but this is still the hardest day of hiking I have ever done. Maybe it was the 70 pounds on my back combined with the two days of tent sleeping before? Or the lack of proper foot-ware and the heat and dehydration combined with all the work it took to just make water out of snow. I think all those things had something to do with it. Either way you now know why I chose to name this post “Hardcore Parker”. It certainly has nothing to do with an episode of a popular T.V. sitcom…..

From Texas ice storms to a flip flop Autumn in Banff

The last time I wrote on this blog I was in an ice storm in Texas. Today it is in the middle of Autumn in Banff, Canada and its so warm I’m wearing flip flops and shorts. How weird is that? I’d like to pick up with a brief synopsis from where I left off until now…..

Stepped outside of the coffee shop I’m working in just now and had a stranger snap this cell phone image of me in my shorts and flops October 9th in Banff! This is practically unheard of not unlike that of a Texas ice storm.

Here I will be starting off where I left on my last blog. You can find that reading just below this one. After surviving the ice storm in Texas (February 2021), I traveled through the carnage of wrecks from there to Nashville, Tennessee. I have family and good friends who reside in the city. I stayed nearly two months and worked as a Lyft driver. My experience doing that coming from a small town could use a full blog post to itself! Late March I drove all my way back to Idaho and afterwards during the weekends drove to Spokane or CDA and worked as a Lyft, Doordash, and Uber driver until getting called to drive a water tender on wildland fires. I stayed out fighting fires until October where I then spent the Fall and part of Winter mostly back home in Idaho. I went through a short relationship during this time and when that ended took off for some self reflection. I have friends in Oahu, Hawaii and I stayed there for two weeks early February and then at my parents place on the Oregon Coast until mid-March. I seen a lot of beauty and learned about myself during this time.

Church Outreach on Broadway. Nashville, Tennessee. My sister Ahriel is the one singing.

Helicopter makes a drop close to sunset while I was on fires summer 2021

Oahu’s self proclaimed Kailua Birdman. Very fun experience to watch this bird whisperer.

Sunrise Hike from Lanikai Pillbox on my last morning on Oahu.

“Rider on the storm” Oahu North shore

Sea Lion Oregon Coast

Self Portrait, Oregon Coast sunset

When I got home this spring I decided to try my hand at waiting tables and was hired at a local fusion restaurant. I really enjoyed my time there. This summer I had them lay me off so I could be on call for fires again but I never got the call! That meant almost an entire summer exploring Montana and Idaho from the backwoods, Glacier Park, to the small towns in between. It honestly has been the best summer I can remember in a long time. On top of all the adventuring I’ve learned more self discipline, made many friends, and got involved and found a local church body that feels like home. I did a short stint back at the restaurant recently but because I was filling in, when they slowed down I was let go.

Sunset over “Chimney Rock” Idaho

Sunrise near the top of Mount Reynolds Glacier Park

This brings us to the present. I had been wanting to take a couple weeks to go to the Tetons and Colorado in the Fall for quite some time. Two days before my trip everything changed when I heard Canada had opened up their borders to people who did not have the Covid Vaccine! Well here I am now a week in on the trip. So far I’ve been up to “Larch Valley”, Shot the “Three Sisters”, Two Jack Lake, and jumped into the icy waters of Two Jack and the Bow River. Man that river was cold yesterday!! I have been sleeping all but one night in various places downtown Banff in my car. Hence the icy cold baths. As told in a previous blog I have built a bed and shelves in my Subaru Outback. It saves me a lot of money and gets me the places I want to go when traveling and if I am out shooting late, which happens a lot, I can crash anywhere instead of going back to a lodging location. Hopefully at some point soon I will be sharing some more of my memories of this summer with all of you as there is so much I can’t fit it in this short synopsis.

Sunset in the Valley of Ten Peaks. Alberta, Canada

Escape to the Sawtooths of Idaho

Posted on December 8, 2017

Standing atop Thompson Peak

Standing atop Thompson Peak

The forest was dryer than a Saturday night with Steven Wright. Smoke hung in the air making it aggravating to be outdoors for long periods of time. I had my fill of Montana earlier in the summer when me and a friend had went on a weeklong trip peak bagging and exploring Glacier Park. It was the middle of August last summer and Montana was beginning one of its worst fire seasons in history. Me and two of my closest friends loaded up my Subaru and headed for Stanley Idaho, gateway to the Sawtooths!

We spent our first night in Missoula Montana, near where the worst of the fires were burning. The next day we made the long drive through the Bitteroot Valley and then up and over Lost Trail Pass into Idaho. From there we followed the Snake River all the way into Stanley. 

Stanley is a tiny remote community located in Central Idaho. Being bordered on all sides by National Forests and Wilderness areas it truly is a town isolated from everything but nature. It caters to backpackers and tourists as it is the only place to resupply in the area. Many of the people that work there over the summer months come from all over the world and it makes sense. Who wouldn’t want to spend a summer soaking in countless hot springs and discovering oneself in the vast Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness? Or maybe climbing the jagged peaks of the Sawtooth Wilderness that tower above the valley like a scene out of a Lord of the Rings film would suit the more rugged persons fancy. Either way it is absolutely one of the more stunning settings to find yourself in.

Stanley Idaho with part of the Sawtooth range in view. Thompson peak is to the center left behind the one that looks the tallest

Stanley Idaho with part of the Sawtooth range in view. Thompson peak is to the center left behind the one that looks the tallest

Upon sight of the Sawtooths I was awestruck more than once as each bend in the road showed another knifelike peak in front of me. Hence the name Sawtooths is more understood once one sees them.

Our adventure there started the second night of our trip. After driving all day from Montana we found a National Forest campground about 15 minutes east of Stanley and that is where we spent the night. The stars were so bright I had to try my luck on some astrophotography with my new lens. I snapped a few and crashed shortly after my comrades had retired.

Same Range just further away

Same Range just further away

We woke early and drove into Stanley for breakfast and coffee, mostly coffee. I wanted to make sure we knew what we were getting into before climbing the peak I had set my eyes on so I had been asking the locals about climbing Thompson Peak. Of course I had also done my fair share of internet research before arriving. Still, the morning of the climb I still stopped at the ranger station to double check. Everything looked good so we set out from the trailhead at Redfish lake. It was now around 10:00am and there was not a cloud in the sky!

We had a total of 13 miles round trip to hike but the locals claim it to be 14 instead. Elevation gain is a tough 4,200 feet. The first 3-4 miles in was very easy and fast paced. After that we took a side trail that cuts left and up a ridge. This is where the climbing starts but it is made up by the views getting better and better the higher you ascend. After climbing for a mile or two it flattens out and there is a small pond. This is where I seen some Golden Mantled ground squirrels running about hoping for some of my food

Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel

Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel

Shortly after that at around 8,000 feet we came into a basin with a large lake surrounded on almost every side by jagged peaks. It is a spectacle to behold!

Lake at around 8,000 feet

Lake at around 8,000 feet

The climbing commenced again and we went off trail because snow fields had covered it up at this point. Around 9,500 feet after some scrambling we reached the top of a pass where we then made our way around the backside of Thompson Peak and attained the summit.

Atop the pass with Thompson Peak looming in the background

Atop the pass with Thompson Peak looming in the background

Sitting at 10,751 feet it is one of the more spectacular peaks I have stood on. Thomas Peak is the tallest mountain in the entire Sawtooth range. To the northwest and southwest are the countless other jagged peaks that make up the range. To the west is the valley and on the other side more mountains. To the north is the valley with the town of Stanley looking quite small tucked in it and on the other side of the valley the River of No Return Wilderness stretches on beyond sight. 

Looking north from the top. Look closely to see Stanley near the large cloud shadow in the valley

Looking north from the top. Look closely to see Stanley near the large cloud shadow in the valley

Zoomed in shot looking at the jagged peaks south of the summit

Zoomed in shot looking at the jagged peaks south of the summit

We stayed on top for over an hour enjoying every minute of it. The hike down went fairly smooth and we made it back to the car right as darkness fell. 

After some great food from a local restaurant and bar in Stanley I convinced my friends that although we were thoroughly tired and chaffed we could not go to bed before soaking in a nearby hot spring. That turned out to be the best idea of the evening. Shortly after arriving at the spring everyone else there left, leaving us alone to enjoy laying in the warm running water while staring up at a million stars. The spring feeds into the Snake River and people have built small pools for the water to run and mix into the river. Basically there is a pool for about every temperature of water you need. It was not until after midnight that we finally decided to leave our beautiful and restful spot. The leaving was partially due to the fact that as I was laying down in the water half asleep with only my belly and chest protruding something ran across my belly! More like slithered! I think it was a snake. That ended my relaxation there quickly I am sad to tell you.

Hiking down with the sun setting on the peaks

Hiking down with the sun setting on the peaks

We drove back towards Stanley and found a forest service road leading into the mountains north of the river. We made camp next to a creek a couple miles up. It was near our campsite that I snapped the picture of the stars I have shared with you below. The next morning we broke camp and headed south towards Sun Valley, where another adventure awaited. But that story is for another time.

Stars near our campsite

Stars near our campsite

Even though I spent only two days in Central Idaho last summer it was one of the more memorable spots I visited. If you have a chance to go there do it! You will not be disappointed. 

The people of Stanley are hospitable and kind. However, certain areas are extremely busy in the summer months. Places like the Redfish lake campgrounds are booked months in advance. You can find peace and solitude if you are not afraid to go off the beaten path a little and I recommend doing just that. If you do decide to stay in the more popular areas you will still find it enjoyable. 

Whether you want to sit back and relax, get lost in the wilderness, fly fish the river, or climb a peak you can find it all in and around Stanley Idaho. See you there my friend!

Signed, a Sawtooth adventurer


Posted on November 30, 2017

Looking east from the edge of Glacier Park near Polebridge

Looking east from the edge of Glacier Park near Polebridge

Glacier Park! The thought of it is refreshing and pristine as I write this. Montana has many natural gems for one to explore but Glacier is hard for the rest to compete with. How many times I encountered that great wall of mountains rising from the west while driving back from another hitch in North Dakota, I do not know. It was always the first real mountain range I would see. Rising over four thousand feet above the valley floor the peaks tower like a herd of stallions on the prairie with nothing in their way but wide open spaces. Upon sight of them it feels as if one is leaving one world to head into another. The west side of the range rises over five thousand feet in places from the valley also, although it does not look as dramatic as the east face of the park. Glacier truly is another realm to behold with a distinct beauty not seen anywhere else. There are grizzly bear, black bear, coyote, wolf, puma, eagle, hawk, deer, elk, moose, antelope, fish, pika, and many other animals that all live within its ecosystem. If you are lucky such as I was last summer you may spot one of the grizzlies. Me and a group of hikers watched a male grizzly swim on the opposite side from us at Avalanche lake and then walk along the shoreline. It is always comforting seeing the great beasts from a distance rather than up close. The memory of looking at the bear through a pair of borrowed binoculars is vivid to this day. I had not bought a camera at that time so I had no way to capture the giant but I did take some cool shots of the lake with my cell phone. 

Me after going under in Avalanche lake

Me after going under in Avalanche lake

Avalanche Lake

Avalanche Lake

Avalanche Creek

Avalanche Creek

Later in the summer me and a couple friends ventured into Polebridge Montana, a tiny community perched on the edge of the northwest side of Glacier Park. Its about as remote as it gets with no power or cell service with spotty internet in just a few places. We camped in view of a million stars on an old backroad the first night and after a breakfast at the famous pastry house in Polebridge, took the long drive to Bowman and then Kintla lake. Both lakes are long and skinny beginning at the base of the west side of the mountains and stretching northeast into them quite a ways. Surprisingly enough Kintla lake was not as cold as expected so me and my buddies jumped in from dock next to the cabin the rangers stay at during the summer. I took a picture as someone decided to make a running dive into the cold blue water. I will say the traffic on the rough dirt roads going to the lakes is not fun and finding a parking spot can be tough. We got lucky to find one at both lakes. After dinner we decided to head back to civilization but not before I put my drone up and grabbed a shot overlooking part of the west side of Glacier Park. That shot is the headline photo for todays blog. 

Glacier can be an exhilarating experience for anyone looking for raw beauty in the remote mountains of Montana. Just remember the popular places are heavily frequented by others so you might have to do some serious hiking or paddling if you want true solitude. I still think it is one of the best national parks the United States has to offer and plan on going back time and time again. What I wrote about are just a few places in Glacier that I have experienced. There are many more things to see and do such as the world famous drive up “going to the sun” road. Trust me on this one, there is a reason its world famous! But don’t just take my word for it, check it out yourself!

Bowman Lake

Bowman Lake

Lake Kintla

Lake Kintla

Diving into Kintla Lake

Diving into Kintla Lake

The Sacrifice

Posted on November 22, 2017

The sun rises as another day begins on the plains. I was still working when I took this picture after being out all night on jobs.

The sun rises as another day begins on the plains. I was still working when I took this picture after being out all night on jobs.

As in my first blog I stated that I moved to North Dakota for over three years. Well it was three years and seven months to the exact day. On this article I want to speak of how I got to where I am today to financially be able to live the way most others dream of.

Sacrifice. This is the word that probably best describes what it took in order to live my dream. Just over four years ago I was at a point in life where I knew I needed something else. I had lived in the same small mountain town my whole life and even though I had traveled and worked outside the state a few times, I was at a place where I was not satisfied with where I was at anymore. I had completed my associates degree at the community college in Libby and was working different hard labor and food service jobs to pay my bills. None of this work was great paying though. I had recovered from my devastating knee injury and was ready for something new, something like more college or big money. I chose the money beings I was not sure on pursuing the degree path any further. My buddy David had been working the oilfields in North Dakota for two years at this point and I was finally ready to join! I went to the community college again but this time for a CDL. Even as I was trained to drive truck I worked two jobs. Basically most days I was busy from dawn till dark. Then, just two days after I got my CDL in the mail, I was driving twelve hours towards black gold. The next day I already had an interview and the day after got the call to work hauling production water in a vacuum water tanker semi. David left the very night I was hired so I was all alone housesitting for him on the prairie. He lived miles from Tioga, the name of the small town I worked out of. It was November twenty third and winter had just begun. I could barely shift the thirteen speed I was being trained on and there were snowy roads and icy storms to deal with. There was a time driving home from town that I encountered such a whiteout I drove off the road and had to shovel to get unstuck. I made it back onto the gravel road in my AWD Subaru and very slowly drove the rest of the way home. After much hardship the first few months I made it through a cold winter even for North Dakota standards. That summer I got put onto the night shift and I was happy for this beings night drivers made more money. There were two periods of time during my work in North Dakota where I did not make it back to Libby for almost six months straight because I worked almost every single day for twelve hours or more. During those times I saved, saved, SAVED! I could have bought a brand new truck and did everything to it a guy could want but instead drove a 2001 Subaru Outback. You might think me arrogant or prideful for talking about all the work and sacrifice that occurred and I understand that reasoning. All that really matters though is that you understand that it was far from a walk in the park to live my dreams. You see I had a goal. A goal that took me three years to get to. Then when I hit it I blew past that goal and quit shortly after. I planned my getaway for months in advance and when the time was right I got out! 

During my time in Nodak I seen the best sunsets and sunrises anyone could ask for. I should have bought a decent camera during that time but I waited until I quit before buying my gear. I still got some stellar pictures with my galaxy S7 cell phone such as the one posted above. That one was taken while working past my normal twelve hour shift into the sunlight hours. North Dakota is a beautiful and exciting place even if it lacks the mountains and forests I am used to. Every winter and spring the northern lights would come out to paint the sky a light green hue. There is a wonder in being all alone at night on the northern prairie looking north at the green sky. Something about the plains creates a deep serenity inside ones soul that one has to experience to understand. It is also an exiting and scary place to be in at times. I loved watching the countless natural gas flairs burning as I drove down the highway. They shone like beacons in the otherwise dark night. There was a time I almost hit a cow on a narrow highway known as 1804. I also had a couple close calls nearly hitting a moose while driving the semi on the backroads and highways. All of these memories are imbedded onto my brain and remind me of times gone and nights long. But that is past now and we live in the present. Presently I am looking at my next adventure with anticipation and excitement, but thats for another time.

The Journey

Posted on November 17, 2017


I want to start off by telling you how all of this began so you can understand me and why I do all of this a little better. It all started with my grandma taking me on walks through the woods in a baby backpack before I was even able to walk on own and then when I could walk continuing to take me into the forest. Being California raised she moved to the tiny town of Libby Montana with my mother on her own in her late twenties. She has always had an adventurous soul and quickly fell in love with the pristine wilderness of the area. So it all started with nana. I attribute the very beginnings of my love for the outdoors with her. I also had some close friends growing up that lived near me in the woods and we would spend all day climbing trees, exploring in the woods, and building forts only coming in when we were “dying” of thirst or “starving” to death. As I got older me and nana would go on longer hikes and eventually she took me and my younger brother on a backpacking trip. At that point I was hooked! Eventually I began driving myself as far as the roads would take me and be gone sometimes all day climbing peaks and exploring lakes in the heart of the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness. I always felt accomplished after a long day of being deep in the woods and also felt close to my creater in the wilderness. I would say it has always been my element and place of finding myself and resetting before heading back home. I also enjoyed a lot of camping and some backpacking with friends. Leaving the mountains in my early twenties to work in the flatlands of North Dakota was not easy for me but I would take time off in the summer to hike in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. I quit my job in June of this year and am now enjoying having the freedom to explore all over the US and eventually the world. I must tell you I have developed a love for the ocean now as well and as I have always loved travel many of the pictures I share will be in places besides just the forest or mountains.

My love for photography started about the time I began going off deep into the wilderness on my own. I wanted to capture the beauty of what I was seeing and share my adventures with others. What better way than with a picture worth a thousand of my own words? Now years later I have a good camera and a portable drone in my arsenal that I have been using since I quite in June to capture my adventures. It is my hope that as you see through my lens something inside of you will come alive and your curiosity, wonder, and sense of adventure will began to ignite. Who knows, maybe it won’t be enough to just see though my eyes